Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sorry I missed yesterday's posting! I did begin one (which I'm posting now), but I was so exhausted last night I couldn't finish it in order to post it.

Goodness me! I have been "on the go" since 8 this morning when Erica picked me up. I've scrambled along the edge of a slope, chased some ducklings, had a wander through my local area and walked the streets of my city in a Reclaim The Night march. I'm beat!

A floral cocoon releases the budding blossom within:

On a wander about my local streets, I spotted these beautiful flowers and couldn't resist stopping to take a photo. Taken on macro setting, this is one of the shots I've made small edits to. Because the original is a lot more blue, I applied a filter (to change the colour of the lighting) using Paint Shop Pro to snazzy this one up a little.

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